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  When community emergencies take place—like public health threats, extreme weather, or transportation issues—the best decision may be to keep students out of school buildings. However, given the amount of content students and educators are expected to cover during the school year, missed days can quickly cut into student learning and state instructional hour requirements. Staying on pace with curriculum guides is critical to ensuring that students gain the knowledge and skills they need to meet state standards and achieve success in subsequent grades. So, what can educators do to fix this problem?



  在线学习方式为学生提供了新的选择,即使他们无法亲自上课也能保持学习。如今,越来越多的省和地方教育机构正在接受这些可能性,允许学校和地区举办”电子学习”或”数字学习”,作为一种富有成效的替代办法,以克服社区中具有挑战性的情况。电子学习和数字化学习日的目的是提供一个类似的教学经验,学生在课堂上接受。有一个深思熟虑的计划是确保这些天来真正支持无缝学生学习的关键. 为了帮助给学生们制定一个高质量的下学年电子学习日计划,我们列出了六个最重要的要素。

  Onlinelearning options are providing new alternatives to keep studentslearning even when they’re not abe to be in the classroomphysically. More and more states and local education agencies areembracing these possibilities by allowing schools and districts tohold “e-learning” or “digital learning” days as a productivealternative to overcome challenging circumstances in the community.



  Survey students to understand at-home Internet connectivity, and make a plan for students without sufficient access

  Allstudents should receive a similar learning experience on e-learningdays, regardless of their access to technology and the Internet.Think about ways to give students without consistent Internet accessoffline options that are on par in terms of subject matter, taskdifficulty, and interaction, and avoid expecting these students tomake up any e-learning day work at a later time. Be sure to considernot only how to provide alternative printed or downloaded materialsbut also how to provide these students with access to their teacherthroughout the e-learning day.


  如果老师都不清楚在线学习应如何运作,又如何希望学生知道该怎么做?在线辅助支持是至关重要的,每个老师都应该知道他或她负责什么,以及他或她将如何按照规定的教学计划进行教学。 请确保你的老师接受专业的培训,因为在这样的日子里,他们是在线学习成功的关键。

  Set aside dedicated training time for staff members

  Howcan you expect students to know what to do if teachers are askingquestions about how e-learning days are supposed to work? Logisticsare critical and each teacher should know what he or she isresponsible for and how he or she is going to carry forth learningunder the prescribed go forward plan. Do you want your teachers tohave folders that are sent home with students with instructions andcontact numbers? Whatever it is—make sure that your teachers areproperly trained as they are the keys to your success on days such asthis.


  在线学习是区别于传统教学的一种新的教学模式,它要求要求学生主动学习并且家长予以支持和监督,所以一定要明确在线学习的目的 ,否则就不会被学生和家长接受。 确保学生明白在线学习期间不是休息日,他们必须完成所有指定的工作,以跟上课程进度。 为家长提供指引,指导他们如何在在线学习期间支持学生。

  Clearly communicate details of your e-learning plan to students and parents at the beginning of the school year, and provide timely notification when you decide to use an e-learning day

  Rolling out a previously unfamiliar policy, particularly one that requires student ownership and parent involvement needs to include a clear “why” behind it, or the buy-in simply won’t be there. Make sure that students understand that e-learning days are not a day off and that they must complete all assigned work to stay caught up with their classes. Provide parents with guidelines on how they can support their student on e-learning days. Remember that arranging childcare will be a concern for some parents on these days, so it’s important to give as much prior notice as possible—two hours before the beginning of the school day is a good benchmark to aim for.


  为确保在线学习的有效进行,学校须设立系统,让学生按时出勤。 你是否期望每个人都在某个时间上网工作,这样你就可以检查你的使用报告,作为一种“扮演角色”的形式;或者学生是否打算通过你的社交媒体页面回答一个问题,作为一个“聪明的开始”活动,并在给定的时间框架内参与,告诉老师学生已经参与?不管你选择什么,想想如何让科技支持这项实践。

  Create a virtual attendance policy

  Just because students are working remotely doesn't mean showing up is any less critical. For e-learning days to be effective, there needs to be a system in place to keep students accountable for attendance. Do you expect everyone to be working online by a certain time so you can check your usage reports as a form of “taking role” or are students intended to respond to a question via your social media page as a “smart start” activity and participation within a given time frame tells the teacher that the student is engaged? Whatever you choose, consider how technology can help support this practice.


  在线辅助支持需要给学生提供帮助。 网络页面设计应该符合学生习惯的学习模式。这样,他们就可以顺利的开始在线学习的过程中。 同时,在线系统应该确保家长也能够在家及时便捷的获取到学生的学习信息,以确保家长在在线学习的过程中更好的配合支持学校。

  Make sure that students know how to access online assignments and activities

  In order to be productive during e-learning days, students need to be comfortable with the logistics. Programs that are used should be ones that students are used to working on so that they can dive right in to e-learning day assignments when that day arrives. Send home student logins to all programs you expect students to use on an e-learning day, make sure that information has been communicated to parents as well, and encourage families to make that information easily accessible at home.


  正如在线学习期间不应该是学生的休息日,同样也不应该是老师的休息日。 教师应在在线学习期间应当积极监察学生的学习进度,并提供指导。而学生与教师之间需要有有效的沟通工具,以辅助这个过程。 理想的情况是,应该提供多种沟通渠道,包括视频会议、电话和电子邮件,并且应该对学生进行如何使用这些渠道进行培训。 微博、网站或其他在线社交平台也可以成为让在线学习更具互动性的好工具。

  Prioritize student-teacher communication

  The most effective e-learning days offer parity to standard classroom days, not only in terms of rigor but also in quality of instruction and interaction. Just as these days aren’t intended to be days off or “catch-up” days for students, neither are they intended to be such for teachers. Teachers should be actively monitoring student progress and providing guidance throughout the e-learning day, and effective tools for communication between students and teachers need to be in place to support that process. Ideally, multiple communication channels—including video conferencing, phoning, and emailing—should be available, and students should be trained on how to use all of them. Class Facebook pages, websites, or other online social platforms can also be great tools to make e-learning days more interactive.

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